Monday, March 21, 2011

791. 10,000 Maniacs--Our Time in Eden (1992) (2)

791. 10,000 Maniacs--Our Time in Eden (1992) (2)

1. Noah's Dove (?) (3)
2. These Are Days (6)
3. Eden (?) (3)
4. Few and Far Between (?) (3)
5. Stockton Gala Days (?) (4)
6. Gold Rush Brides (?) (3)
7. Jezebel (?) (3)
8. How You've Grown (?) (3)
9. Candy Everybody Wants (6)
10. Tolerance (?) (3)
11. Circle Dream (?) (2)
12. If You Intend (?) (2)
13. I'm Not the Man (?) (3)

REVIEW: Well, you can tell I haven't played this CD much, as I only know the two popular songs from it. I like those two fairly well, but nothing from the rest of it caught my ear. I give it a 2.


791. 10,000 Maniacs--Our Time in Eden (1992)

1. Noah's Dove (10)
2. These Are Days (8)
3. Eden (9)
4. Few and Far Between (8)
5. Stockton Gala Days (7)
6. Gold Rush Brides (9)
7. Jezebel (9)
8. How You've Grown (9)
9. Candy Everybody Wants (9)
10. Tolerance (8)
11. Circle Dream (9)
12. If You Intend (8)
13. I'm Not the Man (9)

OVERALL RATING: 8 (NOT the sum of its parts)

DISCUSSION: Natalie's voice was always quite appealing to me. The songs she sang were not. While I don't mind the fact that this one didn't have many "hits", the songs "non-descriptness" work individually better than as an album. There are simply not enough REAL highs. I still find listening to Merchant quite appealing (I saw her live with the Maniacs) but this is NOT an album I'd want to listen to in one sitting, except as background.

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